Our Approach
Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy and Creative Strategy are Inextricably Linked.
Niche Marketing. Target Marketing. Viral Marketing. Blogging. Branding. Strategic Partnering. Integrated Marketing. Whatever "new" concept the marketing gurus are trying to sell you, what you really want to do is sell product.
Real marketing simply convinces the right people that yours is the right product and does it better and faster than your competition. It requires two things: hard work and great creative. That's where we come in. We bust our bottoms and rack our brains to provide the stuff real marketing is made of... great creative. The kind that sells products.There's science in the selection of medium, message and methodology. What works in print doesn't necessarilly work on the web or on the air. But the art is in creating something that grabs your prospect and compells him to act.
It's a combination of perspiration and inspiration, experience and innovation. We don't design for the sake of design. We craft creative that generates business, by design. Every identity program, website, email, advertisement, brochure, mail piece and exhibit we design must meet this fundamental benchmark: Does it generate results?
Are the right people convinced that yours is the right product? Do you have more leads than you can handle and more orders than you can ship? If so, keep doing what you're doing.
If not, your customers are probably shopping around. Maybe you should too. Call a few agencies in for show and tell. After our competitors present their works-of-art, Capitol Marketing Group will show you art that works.
Hard work and great creative... it's what we do.