


Welcome to The Yummy Tree
Your Personal Nutrition Coach

At The Yummy Tree, nutritious and delicious coexist naturally. Here you’ll discover new ways to reward your senses while nurturing a more healthful lifestyle. Your Yummy Tree Personal Nutrition Coach works with you to create a plan to achieve your goals:

  • Lose weight (and keep it lost)
  • Become more fit and energetic
  • Improve your mood and decrease stress
  • Live a more healthy life, every day

The Yummy Tree believes in you and wants you to embrace one essential truth: armed with a plan uniquely yours, and structured encouragement from a caring coach, the healthy lifestyle you desire is obtainable. Check out our services.

Nutrition Coaching
image Nutrition is more than watching your waistline. Moods improve, colds are avoided, and relationships improve. Whether you’re a single, working mom, busy executive, or a family looking forward to a more energetic way of life, Yummy Tree personal nutrition coaching can show you the way forward. Click here to meet the coach.

Our Philosophy
image The Yummy Tree remembers a time before cars and computers, when our bodies did the work for which they were designed, and knows the world changed faster than we adapted. It recalls a pre-microwave, pre-preprocessed age where we actually craved the good stuff, and knows that once reacquainted with those delicious, fresh nutrients, the cravings return.

This is a place where supplements are considered just that, and a naturally balanced, truly yummy diet is always easily within reach. At the base of The Yummy Tree, your past dietary indiscretions are forgiven and procrastination is put off to another day. Yet while The Yummy Tree is understanding, it does demand commitment, the abandonment of preconception, and a renewed belief in yourself.

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